Samaritan's Purse

Finance intern

May - August 2022 • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What I liked

I loved getting to know the fellow interns and co-workers!

What I wish was different


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Social Media Intern

May - August 2021 • Boone, NC

What I liked

What I wish was different


Get lunch with people in other departments! Take initiative to get to know those in the workplace. You can scroll through a company's website all day long, but you'll truly learn about the culture when you learn about the values of the individuals who are there.
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Product Developer Intern

June - August 2021 • Boone, NC

What I liked

My team was incredible and offered useful mentorship opportunities. I was assigned legitimate tasks I was personally interested in and grew a lot in my skills in just four months. The internship program as a whole was also so much fun. There were about forty other interns on site and we'd often have plans each day after work and over the weekends.

What I wish was different

I wish I was placed in a house closer to the site. But housing was paid for so there is little to complain about.


Come in knowing what you want to grow in. The team will give you tasks based on what you're passionate about and you should take advantage of this!
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Business Operations Intern

August - December 2018 • Kampala, Uganda

What I liked

The opportunity to travel abroad and put my educational training to use in a practical way!

What I wish was different

I only wish that I could have extended!


Be flexible and ready to work hard! It’s a great group of people working at SP.
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Communications Intern

August - December 2019 • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What I liked

The internship offered a great opportunity to be thrust into unfamiliar places, but with the support of an incredibly professional organization utterly devoted to serving others with the love of Jesus. It was a distinct opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and have a go at tasks I'd never tried, engage with a whole new culture - whether through food, sport or photography - and enjoy being part of a team who were so friendly and supportive! The increasing independence and responsibility was something I was very grateful for, and left me ready for a greater challenge at the end of the internship.

What I wish was different

Living for four months in a whole new place meant I felt most settled when I was just about to finish! So staying longer may have been an improvement, but I was very grateful for the opportunity to find community within that time.


Get stuck in! It quickly becomes apparent that such an internship is a very unique time/place to be in, so whilst knowing when to rest/say no is important, I think it's all the more important to throw yourself into the new opportunities that abound, not only does it lean you into greater dependence on God, but through it I ended up staying 'out in the field' for a couple of weeks, running a 10K and visiting an amazing jazz bar!
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Health Intern

January - May 2020 • Hanoi, Vietnam

What I liked

I love the team that I got to work with! The team was so welcoming and excited about what God was allowing them to do in their country. They taught me so much about using the gifts God has given you to serve him!

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to see some of the projects we worked on, in action on the field. Some of the projects were postponed due to Covid-19, but this time in the office allowed for the growth of so many relationships with my team members.


I recommend working hard to serve your team members and also investing in relationships with them. Get to know them and ask them about their stories! The have so much wisdom to share.
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Global Communications Intern

May - August 2015 • Bunia, Ituri

What I liked

As an intern in the Congo field office, I lived in a house with several other Samaritan's Purse employees and a fellow intern. I believe this is different from most other international locations but it was a great fit for me and created a family-like atmosphere. My internship supervisor actually lived in the same house as me, but I think she did a great job of being professional at work and being a friend to me at our house. We had a great working relationship and I still keep in touch with her. The people that lived in the house with me and worked at our office were all extremely intelligent and passionate about their work. My coworkers at the office were a combination of local Congolese staff as well as American and Canadian staff. I loved my coworkers and they felt like family. As most SP field offices don't have full-time communications managers, I was supervised by the program development officer who wrote grant proposals and oversaw monitoring and evaluation of our programs. Some of my tasks included helping her with grant proposal research, writing blog posts, creating Twitter posts, and going through impact stories of our programs written in French by our staff working in the field and working with other staff members to translate them into English. One of the ways we used these stories was in our grant proposals to talk about past program success. I also helped with various data entry and organization tasks. I learned so much in this internship about the way international relief organizations work (including the types of roles available in this setting), about Congolese culture and history, and about stepping into new cultures with humility. While I was there, my supervisor was in the process of starting up a new program and a staff member from SP’s Canadian office came to help with that. It was an amazing experience to join them in brainstorming sessions about how to best meet the needs of the people we were seeking to serve through those programs. The Congo is primarily French-speaking (however there are many more languages and dialects specific to different regions) and I had taken some French in high school but was very rusty. Thankfully, my fellow intern and I were able to take French lessons (I believe once or twice a week) at the office with a local Congolese man who was the best teacher! I was a little nervous going into this internship, but I felt SP took really good care of us and made me feel safe. As an international intern, it was nice to take part in an on-campus orientation in Boone and get to meet the other interns before going all over the world!

What I wish was different

It would have made my life easier if I was better at French because not all of my co-workers spoke English, but that was on me. The office I was in was very isolated compared to most other SP field offices, so it would have been nice to have more things to be able to do and see. However, I did actually make it to visit three different SP sites in the Congo and see a hospital run by doctors from SP's World Medical Mission which was awesome. So I'd say the Congo office has less "fun" things and can be isolating in some ways, but you do get to know your coworkers better and we'd do things like go play frisbee at the UN compound. There were two places you could go out to eat at too. Having another intern definitely helped since the full-time staff were more settled there and we could relate to each other in the "newness" of things. I think it would have been hard to be the only intern at this particular office.


When I applied for this internship, I filled out a general application (not sure if it's still like this) where you check off basically what internships you'd be open to. So I checked both international and domestic. I totally thought I'd end up in Boone at the headquarters (which I'm sure would also be great) but was very surprised when I was offered an interview with the Congo field office. It ended up being a great surprise. I also interviewed for another position with BGEA. They really seem to take your application and find a place where you fit best (if they want to move forward with you as a candidate). So I would say go along for the journey! You may be surprised by the internship you end up being placed in, but it will be such a growing experience no matter where you are placed. There may be a while where you hear nothing after a phone interview - but sometimes that means they're still trying to find a place for you. There is usually going to be something (even if it's small) you don't like about a particular office or experience, but focus on the good things because there is so much to learn. As an intern there is also so much less pressure than as a full-time employee so just learn all you can and be helpful!
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International Apprentice

July 2020 • Boone, NC

What I liked

I love this job opportunity because it provides young professionals who have raw skills that need refining with real work experience to accomplish that. It is a very professional work environment that encourages a healthy balance of excellence and failure. Failure is not frowned upon as long as there is an effort made towards progress and that a lesson is learned. This leads to growth for individuals and boost the atmosphere of trust and excellence. I love that the goal of this program is to develop highly qualified SP employees that will excel in numerous different roles and environments. Finally, I appreciate and respect that the gospel is the driving factor behind everything that we learn and do and that that is made clear through everything that SP accomplishes.

What I wish was different

Something that I wish was different is that as apprentices, we would have more time at headquarters in Boone to make connections. The program does a great job training apprentices by including many presentations given by SP employees but there is not enough time to follow up with a lot of them. I felt that though our cohort got close through the isolation, there were many missed opportunities with many SP employees due to our off sight training.


Come prepared to learn. This apprentice program is a great experience and it would be a shame if someone came in proud and with a closed mindset. Not many organizations provide such a unique and beneficial job opportunity so by coming in with a open mind to learning you will be setting yourself up to become a great employee with solid work experience.
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Human Resources Intern / Home Furnishing Case Worker

May 2019 - August 2020 • Pearland, TX

What I liked

I love the ability we as interns had to be hands-on and to impact departments from media all the way to fieldwork. I liked the transparency of each staff member regarding the difficulty of the internship, but also the reward of serving people in need. The staff made this internship so much fun and made me feel supported as I was learning how to be an asset on my team in TX.

What I wish was different

I wish we had more time in the internship - it was too short.


I would say: be in the moment, learn as much as you can, and express questions if you have any.
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Medical Operations Intern

May - August 2019 • Boone, NC

What I liked

I deeply appreciated SP's commitment to providing both physical and spiritual healing to a world in need. In addition, I was continuously encouraged by the organization's emphasis on never comprising the Gospel, while always providing excellent work. Working on the International Health Unit allowed me to gain a deep appreciation for all that goes into medical programming and operations in field offices, as well as disaster response. I felt encouraged by the projects I was given and the trust that my supervisor and colleagues had in me. The work I was able to be apart of held lasting impact and I feel thankful for all the knowledge and skills I acquired during this experience.

What I wish was different

I would have loved to have the opportunity to make a field visit and see the medical programming and operations first hand. I appreciated being apart of the decisions and planning that occurs at Headquarters, but it would have been great to see the implementation on the field as well.


Be flexible! Through my time at Samaritan's Purse, I have realized how much the context we are working in changes so quickly. With this being said, it is important to remain in a posture of openness and flexibility. Often times, although it might feel uncomfortable at first, these new opportunities allow for immense growth and development, which is so incredibly valuable.
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HR and Adminstrative Intern

January - May 2019 • Makati, Philippines

What I liked

I absolutely loved the international internship that I had with Samaritan's Purse in their Philippines field offices. I loved getting to work alongside hardworking and like-minded believers who serve so well in Jesus' name. I enjoyed living in a new country, embracing a new culture, and making new friends during my time there.

What I wish was different

I wish the international internship was longer!


Be willing to go out of your comfort zone and try to give your 100% to adapt to a new country because then only would you be able to get the full exciting experience. And always trust the Lord in the process!
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Finance Intern

January - May 2019 • Kampala, Uganda

What I liked

I enjoyed working with people that were both passionate about their faith and humanitarian work. The internship provides a real opportunity to fulfill a role within a country office and learn how Samaritans Purse runs on the ground level. I had opportunities to work within each role of the finance team and interact with most departments on a weekly basis. One of my favorite parts of working in Kampala was interacting and working with the national staff and learning more about Ugandan culture.

What I wish was different

I really enjoyed my internship. By the end, I had a good community of friends both in and outside the office. It would've been nice to stay even longer but I think the Apprentice program does a good job of fulfilling that role to continue with SP.


I think being flexible, having humility, and just coming ready to learn will really help your experience. If you have free time, get to know national staff or ask your supervisor how else you can help out!
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General Intern

August - December 2019 • Monrovia, Montserrado

What I liked

I enjoyed the fact that I was able to see my work in the Protection Sector, Health Sector, school, and communications holistically reach the most marginalised with the Gospel. Spiritual and physical needs being met through collaboration of others is a great example of the Body of Christ on the move. I’d also never worked in a top-down NGO before or one where I didn’t know the donors personally, so the professional experience grew me a lot and gave me an appreciation for the care SP has for its staff.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more intentional in deeper relationship development with colleagues and other ex-pats on my compound. I also wish I had been able to stay on staff longer.


Flexibility is a must when working in any disaster relief/development setting. I’d also encourage differentiation between expectations and goals before going on the field (if applicable) to foster a greater tenacity for field challenges.
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OCC Training Multimedia Intern

May - August 2019 • Boone, NC

What I liked

My internship with Samaritan’s Purse was the most rewarding three months I’ve experienced within the professional world. I was challenged to stretch myself to accomplish the expected level of excellence as God continued to prepare my platform for the future through the like-minded students and staff I was surrounded by.

What I wish was different

I wish there could have been more crossover between the roles of the interns. It was great seeing the inters at lunch / after work but I think it would have been neat to see the other interns working within their teams. Overall my team was incredible and treated me as if I’d been a part of their team since the beginning.


Above all, pray about it. God will bring to Samaritan’s Purse if that is where you are supposed to be. Do your research of the position you are most interested in; the amount of effort you put into preparing for the interview ahead of time, the more likely you are to answer the questions in the most suitable way possible. After receiving the email inviting you to the next round of interviews, be prompt and professional in your responses. I recommend this internship to anyone who desires to serve God while growing in their faith, enhance their skillset through the pursuit of excellence, and establish lifelong relationships with other believers from around the world.
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Biomedical Engineering Intern

May 2019 - August 2020 • North Wilkesboro, NC

What I liked

My internship with Samaritan's Purse was not only an internship where I grew in my technical skill, but I grew spiritually. Throughout my time on both the Boon and North Wilkesboro campuses I met so many amazing people and grew to love this amazing community that would do anything to provide love to those around the world. This company is truly something special. The focus on the outside world rather than on their own company needs is something very seldom seen in a company this large.

What I wish was different

I wish I would've had more time to experience the depth if the community at Samaritan's Purse.


Be Flexible!! Samaritan's Purse will use you where you are needed the most. Even if it is not necessarily your forte. For example during my time at SP I saw people from donor ministries working alongside the projects department to help set up tents. The donor ministries department was having a slow day, and the projects department could use some extra help. This is a common occurrence around Samaritan's Purse and fits in well with what they do around the world. If they see need they help.
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International Apprentice

July 2020 • Boone, NC

What I liked

I love the way that so much in the Apprentice Program is done with excellence and for the glory of God. It is such a unique opportunity to network with future colleagues and senior management within the organization, learn about the traits that will make you more successful and more like Christ at Samaritan's Purse and in life, and take those lessons beyond the classroom to high pressure simulated experiences where your ability to demonstrated fruits of the spirit no matter the circumstances will be tested. I love the high rigor and excitement of the Apprentice Program, and am so thankful for the way Samaritan's Purse is investing in young professionals like me to ultimately go serve on the field long-term.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more control over my international placement! Being a part of the apprentice program, however, means being willing to sacrifice your personal desires and ambitions for the needs of the field and the organization as whole. It involves putting the needs of others higher than your individual preferences. While I crave control in my life, and while the staff do their best to hear and take into account your desires, the decision is not up to you at the end of the day and so you have to practice trusting the Lord and his plans for your placement and your life.


Learn from the people around you! The apprentice program is filled with high caliber people, including both the apprentices and the staff. It could be so easy to try to compete with others, or compare your weaknesses to their strengths. I highly encourage you, however, to delight in the successes, talents and unique perspectives that others bring from the table, and to apply those to your life to become a better version of yourself and a better imitator of Jesus.
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Water Sanitation and Hygiene

January - May 2017 • Phnom Penh, Cambodia

What I liked

I loved all of it! I had the opportunity to travel and work with 2 different projects in 2 different provinces. I was able to learn more hands on how to apply everything I had learned in the classroom. I loved that most of the staff were locals and the gospel of Jesus was a part of EVERY project. I was able to teach a couple of educational classes to the local staff and everyone was supportive and encouraging. I would highly recommend!

What I wish was different

The length of the interview process. There were 3 interviews over a 4-5 month period with a long wait in between. It made it a little difficult for turning in paperwork for my school’s internship requirements since the hiring process was so long. Other than that I have no complaints about the internship itself which was an incredible experience!


Take every opportunity you have to learn. Ask questions and get involved! Spend time with the local staff and volunteer to help where needed. Be active in your learning experience.
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International Apprentice

July 2020 • Boone, NC

What I liked

Being part of the Apprentice program has been such a life-changing season of growth and learning in my career as an employee of Samaritan's Purse. My favorite part of the Apprentice program, and the ministry as a whole, is their priority of sharing the Gospel. The Apprentice program is an amazing opportunity to grow deeper in understanding of all areas of ministry within Samaritan's Purse, and grow in your calling for international work. I love the opportunities to connect with leaders in the organization, and hear from their wisdom and experience. Another one of my favorite parts of the Apprentice program has been the other Apprentices I've gotten to work and grow with throughout the program.

What I wish was different

I can't say that there is anything I wish had been different. The program is extremely well organized and offers amazing opportunities for growth, learning, and future employment opportunities.


One piece of advice I would share about my experience is making sure to build intentional connections with Samaritan's Purse staff around you. If you're looking to apply to a job, internship, or the Apprentice program, I would make a great effort to connect with Samaritan's Purse recruiters when they are visiting on your college campus. Making face-to-face connections, and intentional contact with Samaritan's Purse recruiters will help them understand and know you better and how you can fit well within the ministry.
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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Internship

August - December 2016 • Tacloban, Tacloban

What I liked

I loved my time working with Samaritan's Purse in the Philippines. I loved the fact that over 90% of my coworkers were Filipino nationals and that I lived in the community them. It was a truly integrated experience that provided the right combination of structure and flexibility for an internship.

What I wish was different

You spend about 10 days in Boone, NC before you are sent to your location and I think that was a little long.


Take advantage of any an all opportunities to be involved in the community you find yourself in.
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Communication Intern

May - August 2018 • Leogane, Ouest

What I liked

My experience with Samaritan's Purse in Haiti was truly life-changing. I was able to get hands-on experience in my field through teaching graphic design, writing an article for donors that was then published, and going to various projects to interview beneficiaries. It was an incredible experience to work alongside people from all over the world and hear their stories.

What I wish was different

Honestly, nothing! The summer was amazing, and though it was hard at times, I really had to trust God and grew exponentially spiritually and professionally.


Cherish each moment! It's an experience that goes quickly but has lasting impact. Journal throughout the program and write down things so you won't forget them!
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