Ed Specialist Mild-Moderate Support Needs (Sponsorship Program)
The Education Specialist (Sponsorship Program) candidate works as an Ed Specialist Intern while obtaining their Education Specialist credential and instructs students with Individualized Education Plans in an inclusive environment. The role works closely with Special Education and Aspire staff on a regular basis and may work with outside consultants and district personnel as needed.
- Administer academic assessments, write the academic assessment report and present at IEP meetings
- Consult and communicate with faculty and parents via meetings, phone, and email regarding the needs and progress of students
- Maintain knowledge of current regulations pertaining to special education
- Collaborate with faculty to ensure that students modifications and accommodations are being appropriately implemented in the general education classroom
- Assist with the development of the master schedule to plan for all student IEP needs
- Meet the minimum IDEA requirements related to case management
- Maintain a high level or rigor for students with disabilities in order to ensure equitable access to common core and/or alternate curriculum standards
- Regularly collaborates with team members for the purposes of: reviewing student data, ensuring IEP implementation, co-planning and/or co-teaching
- Develop, provide and oversee alternate curriculum and testing for eligible students
- Implement health and mobility supports (i.e. provide 1:1 support to student in classroom, support student/s with toileting needs, assist with health-related needs (g-tube, feeding, administration of medication) (under supervision of school nurse) and assist with the physical needs of students (lifting/ assisting with mobility, implementing student stretching/exercise routines.)
- Oversee, teach and implement a student’s behavior intervention plan, including gathering and analyzing relevant data on a regular basis, and collaborating with staff members around student plan and progress
- Input weekly IEP service tracking and meet all IEP timelines
- Create and maintain notifications, records, files, and reports as required by federal, state, and SELPA regulations
- Coordinate the development and implementation of a student’s Individualized Transition Program, especially students in the 16-22 program
- Be able to effectively run a program for students with extensive needs with specially designed instruction to meet their IEP goals, and support students’ progress within the general education class with appropriately modified/accommodated work
- Collaborate with related service providers to ensure the proper implementation of AAC/functional communication, behavior intervention plans, physical/mobility needs, etc.
- Utilizes Aspire’s Alternate Curriculum guidelines to inform student programming
- Daily oversight of paraprofessional support, including the staff schedule and implementation of IEP services
- Develop a thorough progress monitoring tool for students, that is regularly shared with staff and parents and used for team decision-making
- Communicate on a frequent basis with parents of students around student progress, and collaborate to gain parent input
- Collaborate with outside providers as needed and appropriate, with parent consent
- Perform other related duties as required and assigned
- Meets expectations established in the Ed Specialist Intern Sponsorship Program.
- Demonstrate knowledge of, and support, the Aspire Public Schools mission, vision, value statements including antiracism, policies and procedures, operating instructions, confidentiality standards, and the code of ethical behavior.
- Comfortable with utilization of technology in a remote environment.
- Perform other related duties as required and assigned.