Refueling Refueling Engineer
This position will directly support Navy operations through the processing of spent nuclear fuel in an industrial environment. Once qualified, work will include leading a team of trades personnel (e.g., crane operators and riggers, quality inspectors, technicians) to meet goals and objectives in support of our mission.
Essential duties and attributes Include:
• Pays great attention to detail
• Highly competent in both written and verbal communication with others
• Able to successfully lead a work team
• Problem solver
• Successfully handles stressful situations
• Values requirements and ensures others follow them
• Able to accurately and honestly self-assess performance
This position requires 10-12 months of intense classroom, self-study and work group supervisor training and includes a comprehensive written, watch standing and oral examination to qualify as a Refueling Operations Engineer.
This is a high-visibility position with great responsibility and visibility with senior management.