Warner Bros. Discovery

Development Intern

June - August 2018 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

Being on the lot. I got to meet a lot of celebrities and professionals in my field. I learned more about being a good assistant.

What I wish was different

I wish I got to sit in on more meetings with executives


Be willing to try and do anything. It stands out when you're the most eager to help.
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Ad Sales Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Everyone in the company was open and eager to communicate with the interns; they really wanted us to get the most out of our experience. There were weekly presentations and lunch&learns. I got to shadow employers, attend meetings, and really feel a part of the team.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have spent more time getting to know the other interns; however, other than that, it was amazing.


Reach out to everyone you can! Ask people about their jobs, they love to talk and just want someone to listen to them.
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Data Analyst

June - August 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I love that the work environment. It was very similar to my college campus, and my supervisors were just as willing to teach me new things as my professors!

What I wish was different

I only wish that I had been able to continue in this position during the semester. It was a great experience!


My advice would be to have an open mind. I had no idea what to expect working as a Data Analyst, and the title was at first intimidating. I ended up with a diverse experience and a stronger professional network.
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Accountant Intern

May - August 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

The company culture

What I wish was different



Continue to network!
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Ad Sales Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The company culture was truly unforgettable. I was amazed at how even C-level executives were so open to listening to and helping interns.

What I wish was different



Network! everyone there is willing to speak with you, schedule as many informational interviews as possible.
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Publicity Coordinator

June 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Love the environment, the people and the opportunities this company provides its employees.

What I wish was different

Training was rough


Do your homework when interviewing and don't be afraid to go for a job that may seem out of your league - you never know what they might be searching for in a candidate!
20 ${count} people found this helpful

Physical Production Finance Intern

June - August 2019 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

I liked that I got to merge a career of both stability in the accounting industry and excitement in the entertainment industry. I got to work right on the Warner Bro’s. lot and got to see a few celebrities!

What I wish was different

I wish I had more tasks and responsibilities that applied directly to what I’m learning at Pepperdine.


It’s okay not to take the traditional route in your career path. Find a job your passionate about or something that excites you because that will make the job much more fulfilling.
1 One person found this helpful

Business Workplace and Technology Solutions Intern

June - August 2019 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

I loved the supportive and diverse workplace environment, it was so fun and everyone was very friendly to me. I felt so at home and my managers were very trusting of me and my work, they never micro-managed me and were so proud of me every step of the way. I was a tech intern in the marketing department, so I would often get Warner Bros. merchandise as well. By the end, I was SO sad to leave and my team thanked me so much for the work I did there.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have been there longer, the ten weeks seemed very short.


I would tell people that intern at Warner Bros. to network network network! I met so many employees and I feel that that greatly impacted the decision to give me a return offer.
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Global Themed Entertainment Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

It was a fun experience with exciting opportunities. I was able to attend amusement parks and learn about the business operations side of them.

What I wish was different


Ask questions whenever you have them.
1 One person found this helpful

Learning and Organization Development Intern

June - August 2019 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with a small team that engaged with different business units across the whole organization. Additionally, I liked that I was given a lot of responsibility and projects that I could have ownership of. I also liked working on the WB lot, as it definitely made for a unique experience. Lastly, Warner Bros. University Relations provided many resources and events for the interns throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked with other interns more. I was the sole HR intern so I mostly worked with full-time employees.


I would say since there is so much diversity in what Warner Bros./Warner Media make and produce (movies, TV, consumer products, music, etc.), it would be a great idea to talk to as many people as possible – particularly people that are working in a field that you are interested in.
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Financial Compliance Intern

June - August 2019 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

Working on the studio lot, getting to take classes designed for interns, the people and community

What I wish was different

Not much work for the intern in my department, lots of free time


Network as much as you can!
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TV Trade Marketing Intern

June - August 2018 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

Absolutely fantastic experience with real opportunities to engage with and contribute to value-adding projects. Interns are treated not as people who gets coffee or pastries for meetings but rather as a genuine members of the team with responsibilities and deliverables. The level of exposure not only to the entertainment industry, but also to the inner workings of a massive F50, and now F5, company was invaluable -- particularly as I interned during the AT&T-Time Warner merger, which made the experience even more special.

What I wish was different


To incoming interns, my largest piece of advice would be to really engage with and learn from as many people as possible during your short ten-weeks in sunny Burbank. Personally, I was incredibly fortunate to have a supervisor who was committed to my growth and helped me to set up dozens of one-on-one meetings with those not only across the different management levels but also across the different functions of Warner Bros.
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Domestic Media Intern

October - December 2017 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

Working in a small team, casual and laid-back environment, family atmosphere, overall corporate culture

What I wish was different


Use every experience as a stepping stone and be proactive, networking is extremely important, especially if you're considering working in the entertainment industry
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Marketing Services Intern

June - August 2018 • Burbank, CA

What I liked

The structure of the program was great-- there was a lot of facilitated networking, and I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people, both my age and much higher up.

What I wish was different


Be proactive-- it goes really far, and makes people remember you beyond your time at the job!
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